- Nocera's artificial photosynthesis
... and how chemical fuels could not only substitute oil and gas (e.g. for transportation purposes), but go further and supply energy in scattered geographies like ElectroPS.it is doing in Asia and Africa.
... and how chemical fuels could not only substitute oil and gas (e.g. for transportation purposes), but go further and supply energy in scattered geographies like ElectroPS.it is doing in Asia and Africa.
- Fracking Could Work If Industry Would Come Clean
Companies like Baker Hughes and Schlumberger are developing technology to overcome many of the current problems mentioned.
Companies like Baker Hughes and Schlumberger are developing technology to overcome many of the current problems mentioned.
It is quite certain that gas will be a game changer, and therefore substituting coal by gas seems like a good idea. But SWITCHING FROM COAL TO NATURAL GAS WOULD DO LITTLE FOR GLOBAL CLIMATE, STUDY INDICATES. Where they note that methane leakages have stronger greenhouse effects than CO2. Furthermore:
- Climate change may not be that related to CO2 emissions --but rather, to solar activity. Hence, carbon sequestration may not be a technology worth developing.
Published in the blogosphere: Omitted variable fraud: vast evidence for solar climate driver rates one oblique sentence in AR5
- Quantum physics could help minimize energy consumption by electronic devices. NYT reports that Physicists Create a Working Transistor From a Single Atom
- Examples of efficient buildings from p.70.
Which companies would benefit the most from the potential growth in this area? Schneider, GE, Sylvania?
Which companies would benefit the most from the potential growth in this area? Schneider, GE, Sylvania?
More to come.
In the meantime, keep wired (to) Watts Up With That?
Boing Boing, Wired Science, Women in Planetary Science, David Robertson.
In the meantime, keep wired (to) Watts Up With That?
Boing Boing, Wired Science, Women in Planetary Science, David Robertson.