Jun 19, 2009

Asset Allocation for personal portfolio

What if we had $100K to invest today for our own account? ... empirical simulation

The first thing we should do, is to establish the risk adversity we want.
Tough that is a personal decision, there is a pretty simple guide to do that:

% RISKY ASSETS = 100 – AGE (years).

… Bonds, T-bills and gold are good low-risk assets.

Since I am a follower of the Austrian School of economics, I find gold quite appealing, furthermore in such market (and policitcal) conditions.
But I think that a 10% allocation is in the highest range of alternatives. More than that is not an option: gold doesn't produce anything.

So … If we were 40 years old, we’ll end up with this proportions:
Risky assets: $60 000
Bonds / T-bills: $ 30 000
Gold: $ 10 000 (preferably in spot, rather than in financial products. Otherwise... we never know whether we will have it when it is more needed)

- RISKY ASSETS [leveraged]:
- Currencies: $ 20 000
aud.usd - 0
cad.usd - 28 (buy, wait)
chf.usd - 27 (BUY)
eur.usd - 18 (buy, wait)
gbp.usd - (neutral)
jpy.usd - 25 (inverted) (SELL if it is around 1/103 - BUY if it is around 103)
... so as June 19th, we start a position: CHF/JPY (at around: 89)

- Stock markets: $ 40 000
Hedge strategies: $ 20 000 [$ 100 000] : mt.acx / acn.ibm? / gas.oil /
Moving averages crossovers: $ 5 000 [x]
New maximums - New minimums hedged system: $ 5 000 [x]
MACD R2: $ 5 000 [x]
Seasonal trading opportunities: $ 5 000 [x] (1st month) / Options / Volatility / Option wRiting strategies (risks) ...

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